Readings: Is. 50:5-9; Jas. 2:14-18; Mk. 8:27-35
In the Cross is
our Salvation.
1. The Cross represents pain, suffering, difficulties, sadness, and loneliness. Criminals were hung on the Cross to die a shameful and painful death. According to St. Paul, “‘Cursed be everyone who hangs on a tree.’” (Gal. 3:13). Christ removed the curse associated with the Cross and made it an object of salvation for the world; therefore, “In the cross is our salvation.” We cannot go through life without experiencing some form of the Cross. Hence, Christ warns, “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.”
2. There is a story of a man who wanted to follow in Christ’s footsteps. He got a cross the same size as Christ and went on a pilgrimage. But he felt the Cross was too heavy as he went along, so he cut off some of it. When he came to a river too deep to cross, he had an idea. He threw the Cross across the river, intending to walk on it to the other side. But the Cross was shorter by the piece he cut off, so his journey ended. We cannot claim to know Jesus if we run away from suffering. Christ did not run away from his Cross, but he embraced it, for it was through his Cross that he saved the world. As we say on Good Friday, “We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You. Because, by Your Cross, You have redeemed the world.”
3. Christ asked his disciples, in today’s gospel, who they thought he was. Was he one of the prophets like John the Baptist, Jeremiah, or Elijah? Was he just a miracle worker? A healer? A storyteller? Or a friend and lover of the sick? Yes! Christ was all that and more. Peter got it right. He was the Messiah—the Anointed One. The one sent for the salvation of the world. He answered correctly. But Christ had to explain his messianic role and what his mission in the world was all about. He is the suffering servant in the first reading. He will be beaten, his beard plucked, and he will be spat upon. He will rely on God for protection but will not run away from pain and suffering. Yes, he will suffer greatly and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and finally, he will die a shameful death as they will nail him to the Cross, the object of shame and disgrace. His kingship will be different from that of the world. He will reign supreme on the Cross, and by his Cross, he will save the world. Peter could not imagine this Messiah going through such ignominy. “God forbid, Lord! No such thing shall ever happen to you.” (Mt. 16:22). But Christ stood firm and put Peter in his place, “Get behind me, Satan! You are an obstacle to me. You are thinking not as God does, but as human beings do.” (Mt. 16:23). So, how do human beings think? They think of comfort, pleasure, leisure, and how to avoid pains and suffering, especially the Cross, at all costs!
4. We are ready for the crown without the Cross. We want the glory without work, to pass examinations with flying colors without studying. We shy away from sufferings and pains but yearn for exulted positions. Christianity is not about having a life without pain and suffering; it is about being prepared for both. Christ shared good times with his disciples, but he also had his share of pain, rejection, and crucifixion. Many times, people have wondered why a loving God would allow us to suffer. We often wonder why we should suffer from sickness, hunger, viruses, and death. What is the place for suffering and the Cross in the world created by God? Why should children be born without limbs? What role do fire, earthquake, landslides, tsunami, and many other natural disasters play in the world while thousands are displaced or lose their lives? Why do we have so many gun violence in our nation? Why do we keep silent when so many young people are killed recklessly while our politicians lack the willpower to do anything about it? Why does one religion attack and persecute another in the name of God or Allah? We may not know the answers to these questions, but there are many more questions to ask. But pain and suffering have their place in the world.
5. Our call to follow Christ, the suffering Messiah, demands that we be prepared to lose our life in order to get it back. Losing our life may not necessarily mean martyrdom, but it means dying to ourselves, our selfishness, and our pride so that we may live for Christ. Christianity is hard work. Hence, James tells us bluntly, “Faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead!” Our faith must be alive and active. It means getting up and contributing our gifts of time, talent, and treasure to advance the kingdom of God on earth. If we want the crown of eternal life, we must not shy away from the Cross of our daily life. Let us pray that our crosses may not be too heavy even as we identify our suffering with Christ. Amen.
Rev. Augustine
Etemma Inwang, MSP