It is easy to observe from life that most often people are too hard on themselves. People beat down on themselves and treat themselves mercilessly and with contempt. Parents often take blames for the life style of their children, especially when they do not turn out as expected. It is also a common experience that most people are ridden with quilt when their parents pass on. This quilt is often as a result of the fact that may be the children did not do enough for their parents when they were alive. But then it is not uncommon to note that often times these children have done just about all they could have done except for playing God and preventing their parents from dying. This type of quilt nurtures grief and prolongs the cause of depression. It encourages ‘could haves’ and ‘should haves’, which is not healthy and will certainly not bring the departed ones back to life.
Even in Church most parishioners will often blame themselves for not being able to do this or that task for God. Yet it is a common knowledge that there is so much one can possibly do based on ones ability and capability. It is good for people like this to know that God only wants us to be faithful and committed to his love. God does not expect us to do extraordinary things but to do the ordinary things in life extraordinarily well. The hymn written in 1868 by Daniel March, who was pastor in Philadelphia titled “Hark the Voice of Jesus”, says it all. “If you cannot speak like angels, if you cannot preach like Paul, you can tell the love of Jesus, you can say He died for all. If you cannot rouse the wicked, with the judgment’s dread alarms, You can lead the little children to the Savior’s waiting arms…Let none hear you idly saying, “There is nothing I can do.” While the lost of earth are dying, and the Master calls for you; take the task He gives you gladly; Let His work your pleasure be; Answer quickly when He calls you, “Here am I, send me, send me.”
Yes, instead of being too hard on yourself, learn to give yourself a little pat on the back and say to yourself, at least I am trying my best. Remember, he also serves, who stands and waits. There is so much you can do, instead of crying over what you cannot do, think of what you can do and do just that. Be patient with yourself, God is not through with you yet. Be kind and merciful to yourself, learn to forgive yourself and then it will be easy to forgive others. Be charitable to yourself if you want to be charitable to others. Treat yourself with care, and, for heaven sake, show some love to yourself. Do not be too hard on yourself remember there is only one you in the whole universe. You will only be able to truly take care of others if you are good at taking care of yourself.
I know the feeling of not being able to do what I used to do because my legs won't let me and I get angry. Maybe God wants me to slow down and take my time. I am not 20 anymore although I would like to be. I will do God's will for as long as he allows me but only a little slower and not get angry about it.